Suicide prevention training flyer

Free Suicide Risk Detection Training on May 9

Join us on May 9th for a FREE Suicide Risk Detection Training presented by Adam Lesser! Adam has national and international experience training individuals and organizations on the development and use of C-SSRS. This 90 minute training for all audiences by Adam Lesser MSW-LCSW, will cover how staff and community members can utilize the Columbia Protocol, developed by Columbia University.  The training will increase staff and community member comfort in: identifying the warning signs of suicide risk, responding appropriately with an individual at risk, and connecting at-risk individuals to the appropriate supports and resources.
At the training you will learn:
  • How screening with C-SSRS can identify at-risk individuals.
  • Steps to implement a comprehensive screening program for prevention.
  • How utilizing C-SSRS can save lives.
  • Types of suicidal ideation and predictive behaviors.

Register today to gain invaluable skills to help those in need. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to make a difference! Register now and spread the word!