School Cancellation
Canceling school is a complicated decision that affects students, staff, and families. Intermediate District 287 does everything possible to keep schools open.
The primary criteria we consider when deciding to move to close school include:
The safety and well-being of students and staff
The severity of the weather (extreme cold, flooding, etc.)
Timing of weather (overnight, weekend, etc.)
Member districts’ decision to not have in-person learning
Winter Weather
District administrators consider the combined effects of snow, ice, wind chill, and other weather indicators when determining if school will be held as usual. If the National Weather Service predicts the wind chill to remain at or drop below -35ºF (below zero), school may be cancelled. We attempt to make the decision in the early morning hours after surveying conditions, monitoring weather reports, and consulting with transportation vendors.
If you disagree with the district’s decision to hold school on a day you believe the weather is hazardous, you may keep your student home. Please call your school’s absence line to report the absence. The absence will be excused.