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Madison Student Spotlight

Each year, we elevate our student and family voices by inviting them to share their story at a school board meeting.

Dr. Elizabeth Lam, Assistant Director of Special Education and Itinerant Services, shared the story of Madison, a 7th grader who is blind and visually impaired, and her mother. Sophie, an orientation and mobility specialist, demonstrated some of the tools Madison uses, including the accessibility features on her iPad, a brailler, and a white cane, which she skillfully sways using the constant contact method to navigate uneven surfaces. Madison is also learning how to safely cross streets and differentiate between intersections with stop signs and traffic lights.

Cassandra, a teacher for students who are blind and have low vision, facilitated a Q&A session with Madison. Madison shared her love for learning braille and typing in class and expressed her dream of becoming a vision teacher in the future.